Skip Dunham, the interim Projects and Infrastructure Modernization (PIM) Division Director, has been selected to be the new PIM Division Director effective Monday, Dec. 16.
Skip joined the Lab seven years ago and has been the PIM division deputy for the past four years. During that time he has led several key projects and initiatives including the environmental cleanup of the Old Town and Bayview areas, and the establishment of a monthly subcontractor safety council that focuses on worker safety issues in the field. Currently, he is the LBNL project executive for the new building that is taking the place of the old cafeteria and will also house the conference rooms and other Lab services in addition to a new transportation hub that will accompany the building.
In his new role as PIM Division Director, Skip will be responsible for ~$1B of construction projects planned between now and 2030. This includes infrastructure upgrades as well as the modernization and retirement of obsolete facilities. Projects include the BioEPIC building, the Strawberry Gate upgrade, the new building that will replace the cafeteria, utility upgrades for NERSC-10 and the ALS, and the execution of IGPP, GPP, and maintenance projects.
Please join me in congratulating Skip as the new Project Infrastructure Modernization Division Director.
Michael T. Brandt
Deputy Laboratory Director for Operations
Chief Operating Officer
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory